Safety Tips For Traveling To Northern Ontario
After months of strict quarantine rules, regulations, and minimal traveling, it is so exciting that the rules are relaxing a little, and the lodges, cabins, camps, cottages, resorts, and hotels are finally reopening.
Our recommendations follow the guidelines given by the health department of Canada. It helps reduce risk to a minimum and makes your trip worth it. Here are some safety tips we recommend when traveling to Northern Ontario:
- Bring all your essentials
- Wear masks and sanitize your hands very often
- Inform your hosts and ask for the needed items before you make the trip.
- Make sure that your vehicle is serviced before you travel
- Plan for emergencies: bring sunscreen, bug spray, pain killers, and a first aid kit.
- Practice social distancing when in public spaces
- Avoid touching things at checkpoints and border crossings
- Remain sitting in your car as much as you can during the journey
- If you are ill or have been in contact with a sick person, do not travel.
- If you are immunocompromised or are at an increased risk, do not travel.
Some may think that all these sound a little too much but trust us when we say that this is for your own good and for the people around you. It is better to be safe than sorry later.